Thursday 26 November 2015


Wonder 1 - Why Do Your Pupils Get Bigger in the Dark?

Have you ever wondered?
- Why do your pupils get bigger in the dark?
- Where is the pupil?
- What is the iris?

Task: Click the image below and then read the text - complete the wonder words and then test your knowledge by completing the comprehension task.
Making Connections - Write a statement / bullet point any connections you can make between the main concepts in this task and the CI and LOI's.

Wonder 2 - Why Do You Blink?

Have You Ever Wondered...
- Why do you blink?
- How many times do you blink in a minute?
- Why do you have eyelashes?

Task: Click the image below and then read the text - complete the wonder words and then test your knowledge by completing the comprehension task.
Making Connections - Write a statement / bullet point any connections you can make between the main concepts in this task and the CI and LOI's.

Have you ever experienced something that happened “in the blink of an eye”? What does that phrase mean? Based upon what you now know about blinking, do you think it’s a good metaphor? Why or why not? Try to come up with your own new “blink” saying that no one has ever heard before!

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