What does ideal participatory citizenship look like? In other words, what is it that someone does if they are an ideal citizen/member within a community? (e.g. follow the rules, participate in opportunities to vote etc.). Think of people in your own communities to help you provide real life examples of what an ideal citizen does.
Take a look at the table below which illustrates the three types of citizens as described by Joel Westheimer. Return to the brainstorm above and organise your brainstormed ideas into the three categories described (Personally responsible citizen, Participatory citizen, or Justice oriented citizen).

- Which type of citizen do you want to be and why? Write a statement describing your own citizenship and what you wish for a better community. Include the following information:
- What type of citizen do you want to be?
- What issues do you care about?
- What are your personal goals?
- What kind of impact/how do you want to impact on others to make your community a better place?