Sunday, 23 August 2015

Construct 2 to 3 possible WONDER questions that address a line of Inquiry through a key concept.

Model Questions:


1. How do we express ourselves as individuals through the clothes we wear? LOI 1 and FORM
2. What are the ideas and beliefs behind traditional tattooing in Samoa?  LOI 2 CHANGE

3.  How has POP music evolved over the years? LOI 3  CHANGE


  1. 1.What is now considered to make you 'cool' eg. celebrities,students,sport teams,bands? FORM/CHANGE LOI 3
    2.Why do people change there personality/image just to be seen differently? CHANGE LOI 1

  2. Why has pop changed it's form and function to mainly dumb sexual music videos? LOI 3 Change
    What was the point of all this change for pop? LOI 3 change
    When did it become so appealing for people to watch sexual exchanges? LOI 3 function

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  4. Why are clothes and the way we look matter if we are popular or not? LOI 1/Form
    What makes something traditional to a country? LOI 2/Form
    Why have different ways of expression changed so much over time? LOI 3/Change

  5. What makes singers change a different style of singing.LOI 3
    Why are they making music videos unsuitable for kids such as miley cyrus.LOI 3
    What makes singers change their personality.LOI 3

  6. How do you consider yourself popular? form LOI 1
    Why do they get tattoos How have tattoos changed? Reflection LOI 2
    What makes it popular? Change LO3

  7. What is art? Is Art different to creativity?

    1. I think art is one way you can channel creativity.
      But creativity can be expressed in much more ways than just art.

  8. What makes music appeal to the general public?

  9. How has popular music changed throughout the years?

    1. Music has changed in the past 70 years by:

      1. Music Is More Energetic
      2. Music Is Less Organic
      3. The Beat Is More Accurate
      4. It's Not As Bouncy
      5. It's Less Acoustic
      6. It's Way Louder
      7. Music Is Faster Now Too

  10. 1. Who decides what trends/fashion/music is considered popular?
    2. Who starts a tradition and/or belief and what makes people decide to carry it on?
    3. What makes people change them and their personality just to fit in?
