WWA - Summative Task
Creative Creatures
Create a new species of animal to meet the needs of a specific environment (decide what kind of environment your animal/creature will live in). You will need to give careful consideration to adaptations that ensure its basic needs of food, water, shelter, air, and predation are met (be sure to provide at least 3).
Then either
Your report should contain coloured illustrations of the creature with the structural adaptations labeled.
Don't forget to provide a name for your creature and a brief rationale for the name too.
2. Create a 3D model of your new creature/species which clearly shows the structural
features/adaptations which allow it to survive in its environment.
Include with your model the following: (You may choose how you wish to display this information although a report
is something you have already had practice with and would be an
acceptable form)
Things to consider:
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